
Gordon MP Welcomes Unpaid Carer Support

Gordon MP Welcomes Unpaid Carer Support

Published date : 19 January, 2021

Richard Thomson, SNP MP for Gordon, has welcomed an additional £750,000 investment being made by the Scottish Government to assist people in caring roles.


The sum, announced earlier this week by First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, is to be invested in local carer centres to increase support for unpaid carers of all ages, helping them take some time for themselves and access much-needed support. This aims to tackle the challenges posed during the pandemic for those with caring responsibilities now that for many, their help ‘network’ will have either stopped altogether or moved online.


The funding will let carer centres react flexibly to local needs through extending services such as befriending, counselling or online support groups, as well as offering additional grants for carers to use for expenditure such as leisure equipment, hobbies or entertainment subscriptions.


Commenting, Mr Thomson said: “The pandemic has been difficult for all, but especially so for unpaid carers who have had a particularly challenging time without some support services being available. By providing this extra resource, the needs of unpaid carers can hopefully be better met to help the community support them through this trying period.”


Note: Further details on the announcement can be found here -

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