
Gordon MP Welcomes 25% Drop in Cost of Rural Crime

Gordon MP Welcomes 25% Drop in Cost of Rural Crime

Published date : 17 August, 2021

Gordon SNP MP Richard Thomson has welcomed figures released by the National Farmers Union Mutual insurance firm (NFU Mutual) showing a 25% decrease in the cost of rural crime in Scotland, between 2019 and 2020. 


The cost across Scotland in 2019 was estimated at £2.3 million, whereas in 2020 it is estimated to have fallen to £1.7 million. 


The report highlights the leading role of Police Scotland in the SPARC initiative – the Scottish Partnership Against Rural Crime – which has boosted cross-border cooperation with authorities in the North-east of England to tackle high value rural crimes, as well as ATM theft and acts of violence. 


However, the report makes clear more must be done nationwide to tackle the continuing scourge of fly-tipping, with productive partnership working between rural communities and public authorities essential in reducing harm to livestock and the environment. 


Commenting on the report, Richard Thomson MP said: 


“NFU Mutual have provided an excellent insight into their activities which support the sector. Agriculture and farming play a crucial role in our rural economies, so it’s vitally important they are supported in their efforts to reduce crime and safeguard livelihoods.  


“I’ll continue liaising with local residents and businesses, as well as public agencies, to ensure the North-east’s rural communities can thrive, and economically recover following the challenging times they’ve faced due to the pandemic.” 


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