
Thomson Welcomes Council's Commitment to Build on Carbon Budget

Thomson Welcomes Council's Commitment to Build on Carbon Budget

Published date : 28 September, 2021

Gordon MP Richard Thomson has welcomed the announcement by Aberdeenshire Council that it is undertaking work to identify how to make a 75% reduction in its own emissions by 2030. 
As a former Co-leader of Aberdeenshire Council, Mr Thomson was responsible for bringing in a Carbon Budget – the first of its kind in the country – which focussed on where the council could make reductions in emissions. 
Commenting, Richard Thomson MP said: 
“Action to tackle climate change and reduce emissions is vital so I am pleased Aberdeenshire Council is building on the good work of the previous SNP-led administration by taking things to the next stage 
“The introduction of the Carbon Budget led to a more innovative approach being taken in some areas of the council’s operations where carbon budgeting is now an accepted part of the day-to-day work. Identifying where more can be done is important and I look forward to further progress being made by the council in this regard.” 

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