
Gordon MP welcomes ‘game-changing’ investment into targeted MND research

Gordon MP welcomes ‘game-changing’ investment into targeted MND research

Published date : 25 November, 2021

Richard Thomson MP has welcomed the announcement of £50 million investment over five years into targeted motor neurone disease research, in response to charity-led campaign 
MP for Gordon Constituency Richard Thomson has joined United to End MND coalition campaigners to welcome the targeted investment into the terminal illness. 
Mr Thomson has previously backed the call for state funding alongside the coalition including charities – the MND Association, MND Scotland and My Name’5 Doddie Foundation – people with MND and neurologists. 
After two years of campaigning including handing in letters and petitions to Downing Street, meeting with Ministers, briefings with government departments and media involvement, the coalition has welcomed the Prime Minister’s pledge of a £50 million investment into MND research.  This is part of a package of £375 million set aside to fund innovative research into neurodegenerative diseases over the next five years. 
Commenting, Richard Thomson MP said: 
“1 in every 300 people, across all communities, will develop MND in their lifetime and about 200,000 of the current UK population will die of MND unless effective treatments are found. 
“In a recent petition on the issue to the House of Commons, Gordon Constituency featured in the top 10 out of over 600 constituencies for support so this funding will be very much welcomed by my constituents.” 
Sally Light, Chief Executive of the MND Association, said:  
“This announcement is the game-changing news everyone in the MND community has been hoping – and campaigning – for. This funding will drive MND research forward towards treatments and cure and will give people who have been diagnosed with this devastating terminal illness hope. 
“So many dedicated people have campaigned tirelessly with us on this issue, and we are very grateful to every single one of them. It is no exaggeration to say these funds will change lives – and ultimately save lives.” 
For more information about the campaign visit  

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