
Thomson Backs Carers Rights Day 2021 - 'Carers need support to have a life of their own’

Thomson Backs Carers Rights Day 2021 - 'Carers need support to have a life of their own’

Published date : 18 November, 2021

Local MP Richard Thomson has given his backing to Carers Rights Day 2021, which takes place on Thursday 25 November. 
Carers Rights Day takes place each year ensure carers are aware of their rights and know where they can get help and support, and to raise awareness of the challenges carers face. The last 20 months during the COVID-19 pandemic have been an exceptionally difficult time for unpaid carers; that’s why it’s never been more important that carers understand their rights and are able to access the support they need. 
Commenting, Richard Thomson MP said: 
“Providing unpaid care for a family member or friend can present all kinds of challenges, from filling in forms, to providing personal care, to coping with the emotional pressures caring brings.  
“The last 20 months have been especially difficult for many carers.  Carers might be new to caring and struggling with navigating the maze of services, or they may need extra support to cope with the pressures of caring.  Whatever the issue at hand, having the right information at the right time can make a huge difference for the carer and the person they care for.  
“That’s why, with Carers Rights Day taking place on the 25 November, I wanted to share some advice and information resources that have been created by Carers UK.  Those who provide unpaid care for frail or disabled relatives and friends make a very valuable contribution to our communities, and I’m keen to see they get the support they need to continue to care – and the support they need to have a life of their own too.” 
The resources are designed to bring the advice and information required by carers, from financial support, COVID-19, balancing work and care, and supporting carers to take a break.  The resources can be accessed here: 

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