
Gordon MP Backs 'Nature Calls' Campaign to Stop Flushing Plastics

Gordon MP Backs 'Nature Calls' Campaign to Stop Flushing Plastics

Published date : 09 March, 2022

Gordon MP Richard Thomson has given his backing to Scottish Water’s campaign to reduce the harm caused by items containing plastic which are flushed down our toilets. 
The ‘Nature Calls’ campaign aims to make people consider the impact of what we flush down our loos and slosh down our sinks which can last generations. 
Commenting, Richard Thomson MP said: 
“The impact on our environment of items containing plastic which are incorrectly disposed of is huge with Scottish Water having to deal with an average 36,000 blockages per year at an immense cost to the taxpayer and great inconvenience to residents who find their local sewers choked as a result. 
“Wet wipes in particular are a major cause of blockages and during periods of flooding can also pollute our seas and river systems. 
“I’m therefore pleased to highlight this campaign and encourage people to show support and back a ban on wipes made with plastic by visiting 

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