
Gordon MP Calls for 'Further and Faster' Help for Ukrainian Refugees

Gordon MP Calls for 'Further and Faster' Help for Ukrainian Refugees

Published date : 17 March, 2022

Gordon MP Richard Thomson has urged the UK Government to go further and faster to help refugees fleeing war in Ukraine. 
The SNP MP was speaking in a debate in the House of Commons on the situation in Ukraine and raised examples of how Gordon constituents and relatives of Gordon constituents had been caught-up in the situation and whose cases he had taken up with the Home Office. 
Mr Thomson went on to praise the humanitarian aid efforts of all concerned but called for more urgency from the UK Government. 
Speaking in the House of Commons, Richard Thomson MP said: 
“The Refugee Council has said the UK has not been as welcoming for Ukrainian refugees as our EU counterparts, saying that the response to date ‘falls short’ and ‘will inevitably be restricted to those who are known to people in the UK’. 
“The British Red Cross, which I would hope we could take as an unimpeachable authority on this, has said that the quickest way of fixing problems in the system would be to remove the requirements for a visa, as has been done in other countries. 
“I firmly believe that the UK Government must go further and faster to help refugees by supporting the Scottish and Welsh Government super sponsors bid.  I am sure that people across these islands are ready to open their doors and their hearts to these refugees, and it is time to waive visa requirements and put people, rather than processes, first.” 
Richard Thomson’s full contribution to the debate can be seen here

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