
Gordon MP Highlights Support for those Experiencing Domestic Abuse as Police Scotland Launch New Campaign

Gordon MP Highlights Support for those Experiencing Domestic Abuse as Police Scotland Launch New Campaign

Published date : 20 December, 2022

Richard Thomson MP has highlighted support for those experiencing domestic abuse as Police Scotland launch a domestic abuse campaign to run through the festive season targeting young men aged 18 – 25 years and highlights behaviours that in relationships are abusive and might be indicative of future, escalating abuse.  

Unfortunately, over the festive period, the rate of domestic abuse rises. This may be due to heightened stress, financial pressure or more time spent at home.   


Commenting, Richard Thomson MP said:  

“No one should feel unsafe in their own home and I welcome this initiative from Police Scotland at a time when there is an increase in reports of domestic abuse.  The campaign calls on men to reflect, take action and stop domestic abuse before it starts. The aim is to encourage men to take action against domestic abuse and, if concerned about their behaviours, to get help.  

“If you are being harmed by your partner or family member, there are many organisations that can help you. You can speak to Scottish Women’s Aid on 0800 027 1234, Scottish Women’s Rights Centre on 0808 801 0789 or Survivors UK via text on 020 3322 1860.  

“If you are in immediate danger, please call the police on 999, if you cannot speak, dial 55 when prompted or let them know you’re there by tapping the phone or making a noise.”   




For more information on organisations who help with domestic abuse victims see here:  


The new Police Scotland campaign advert can be viewed here:   

What if you could see the man you might become?  

The website address is Is that me? Domestic abuse campaign 2022. (  

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